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March 03, 2025

Biodegradable FAQ

Biodegradable FAQ

Summitech Biodegradable Nitrile Thin Range Glove

Biodegradability FAQs


1. What is Biodegradation?

Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are decomposed by micro-organisms into simpler substances such as carbon dioxide, methane, water, ammonia and return to compounds found in nature.

There are two methods when comes to comparing the speed of Biodegradability :-

Biodegradation occurs either through Aerobic or anaerobic settings. Aerobic biodegradation is the breakdown of organic components through microorganisms when oxygen is present. Organic components include anything that is plant-based, animal-based, or natural mineral-based. Anaerobic biodegradation on the other hand is the breakdown of components through microorganisms where oxygen is not present. This comes largely from our landfill waste, which is broken down in our local waste facilities.


2. What material is the Summitech Thin Type Biodegradable glove range made of and how is it Biodegrade?

 It is made of Nitrile, 100% latex-protein free with trace amounts of non-harmful substances, No Type I Hypoallergenic reaction.

During the production process, substances are added to the formulation. Once the glove is disposed of, transferred and discarded into a biologically active landfill, the substances will activate and speed up the degradation by AT LEAST 10 times compared to the standard nitrile glove.

EXAMPLE: if a standard nitrile glove takes 50-100 years to biodegrade in landfills, Summitech New Thin Type range (NT, NP & NS model) takes 5-10 years (10 times faster). Great contribution in the aspect of sustainability for the environment


3. Are the substances FDA approved?

Yes, it is FDA compliant and safe for food contact.


4. Is it a COMPOSTABLE glove? 

No, it does not break down from oxygen (Not oxo-degradable) but it can be fully biodegradable at landfill.


5. Will the biodegradable feature affect the glove performance/usage/shelf life?

No, performance and shelf life are not affected; there is no chance of them breaking down from day-to-day usage. The substance is only activated once in a landfill condition under very specific circumstances (being deprived of light, oxygen and interacting with certain moisture conditions). Just use them like you would with any other glove that is not biodegradable. 


6. Upon storage, will the glove start biodegrade?

No, the gloves require biologically active landfills for biodegradation. This means our biodegradable gloves can’t begin to biodegrade prior to disposal. The glove biodegradation will only start when it has been disposed into landfill conditions where the additive attracts microbes to it as a nutrient source.  The microbes then consume, metabolize, and break it down into three natural compounds: organic soil, methane, and carbon dioxide. These abilities have been validated by independent certified laboratories using international test methods ASTM D5511.


7. Do the components in your biodegradable gloves break down into microplastics? Will the biodegradation leftover affect the landfill?

No, it will not turn into microplastics. In fact after biodegradation it will be broken down into three natural compounds: organic soil-a kind of fertilizer, methane and carbon dioxide-clean energy reused back in our daily life. 


8. Why do we need to choose/purchase this biodegradable glove?

Promoting and committing to our environment by increasing sustainability is everyone's responsibility. Our biodegradable glove range promotes environmental performance since they’re eventually converted to nitrous waste and biogases that are highly beneficial to our ecosystem. Our glove is definitely sustainable and it significantly reduces treatment costs and allows you to save on operational costs. By equipping your employees with biodegradable gloves, you encourage them to adopt green sustainable purchasing policies, and consequently, a more conscious lifestyle.


9. According to which legislation has Summitech biodegradability been tested?

The biodegradability of our gloves has been measured using the internationally-recognised ASTM D5511 Standard Test.

The ASTM D5511 test is a short-term test to determine the biodegradability of materials in a high solid anaerobic environment. Material under the ASTM D5511 is tested in ideal laboratory conditions and assumes long-term expected biodegradability timing based on shorter testing measures (typically 30 days for testing).


10. How do you consider glove disposal?

It is vital to know how the gloves are processed after use, landfill or incinerator. If the gloves is  contaminated it should not be landfilled thus not an issue of biodegradability.


11. How to choose/select the right biodegradable gloves?

Few tips to consider-  Speed of biodegradation, physical & chemical resistance properties, economic usefulness , not allergic, proper testing and certification. 


12. What is the difference between standard nitrile gloves compared with standard natural rubber gloves?

Standard Nitrile gloves needs a substance to assist in degeneration, without the substance takes decades while natural rubber gloves effectively degrades within an efficient amount of time, the fastest of all materials.


13. What are the test methods available for testing Biodegradability of the gloves?

There are two internationally recognised methods for testing biodegradability –

ASTM D5511 – is a shorter test in a simulated laboratory condition and assumes long term expected biodegradability timing based on short term measures.

ASTM D5526 – is a long term test that closely simulates a landfill environment. Test can run for as long as it takes to determine the material breakdown time hence it provide reliable results of what to expect in real life situation.



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